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Students of the sewing course of the Community of Saint Paul in Bogotá organize an exhibition with garments made by them

On August 5, the first exhibition of garments made by the women of the Sewing workshop that the Community of Saint Paul established a year ago in the south of Bogotá (Colombia), took place at La Resurrección parish. The exhibition was a very positive experience, both for the women who are part of the project, who were able to make their work known to others, and for the parish community, who had the opportunity to appreciate the fruits of the workshop. Several people, seeing the good quality of the exposed clothes, ordered women's dresses, blouses and jackets.
This exhibition has been carried out thanks to the perseverance and commitment of the group of women who, after a year of training, now arrive at the end of the first stage of the process. And they are already very excited about the next stage: establishing a productive cooperative through which the learning they have received can result in direct benefits for the families of these women. To all the participants in our sewing center, we want to say: congratulations, and let’s keep going!




The Community of Saint Paul has established a Sewing Center in the neighborhood called Granjas de San Pablo in Bogotá, Colombia

As an extension of the pastoral work and the development projects that the CSP is developing in the south of Bogotá, we have started a new program: the establishment of a training workshop for women, in which they are offered sewing classes.
After several meetings with women from the neighborhood who were interested in being able to receive formation in some field, so that in the future they could be able to help sustain their families, we decided that sewing was the best option. Once this decision was made, we started looking for the person who could give the courses, and we were fortunate to find an instructor who has been teaching dressmaking courses in different institutions in Bogotá for more than twenty years, and who was willing to offer her services. Then we acquired nine industrial sewing machines and we proceeded to establish the workshop in the premises of a neighborhood association in Granjas de San Pablo.
The first group of students is made up of 16 women. They registered with the goal of completing two semesters of training. Classes take place three days a week in the afternoon hours. When they finish the second semester, the CSP will help the participants that wish to organize themselves as a small company to producing clothing (blouses, skirts, underwear, sportswear ...). Then, using the same machines as the project, they will be able to start to market their products and thus help their families.
It is great to see the enthusiasm with which the students have welcomed this project, and also the atmosphere of camaraderie and solidarity that has been created between them. In February 2018, when the new school year begins in Colombia, we will start with a new group of students, while the first ones continue with their second semester of training.
From here we would like to thank all the institutions and people who with their contributions have helped us to establish this training center, and help us to maintain it.



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