Due to the great need for training for young women in Meki (Ethiopia), the Community of St. Paul has conceived, organized and started the Kidist Mariam Maakel, or “Saint Mary Capacitation Center”. With this new project we wish to help women who haven’t been able to finish their education to learn a profession in which they can work in a dignified manner and become self-sufficient. The center opened on February 1, and currently we are offering courses in cooking, sewing and painting (each lasting six months). At the inauguration of the center, the Bishop of Meki, Msgr. Abraham Desta, blessed the building and all who were present. Then, following the Ethiopian tradition, we prepared coffee and shared bread with the participants. The first group of students is comprised of 56 young women from Meki. We hope that they are able to develop the many talents and potential that they possess, and will keep you updated with news from the center.