Children from the San José Early Childhood Center in Mexico City visit Pedregal Park and learn about Police work
One of the last outings for the children from the San José Early Childhood Center, just a few weeks ago, was to Pedregal Park in Mexico City where they were able to play and enjoy nature. The unique aspect of this outing was that the children were accompanied and protected by three police officers from the area, who played and sang with the children. The little ones couldn’t believe it, because initially they were very afraid of any person in uniform. This is hardly surprising, because parents typically reprimand their children with the statement, “If you behave badly, I will call the police, and they will come look for you and lock you up!” Therefore, it took a while to break down the barriers and for the children to realize that those police officers were good and kind people. The children also learned that police play an important role in society and that they (the children) can go to them if they need help. According to some statistics, Mexico City is one of the 50 most violent cities in the world. The children, the most vulnerable segment of the population, must learn not to fear the police, but to grow as citizens who respect the laws of society. After this singular experience, when asked, “What would you like to be when you grow up?”, now some of the children at the center respond, “A police officer like the ones at Pedregal Park!”