Benefactors of the CSP gather in Milwaukee to support Casa San José
On Sunday, November 18, Fr. Leonard Barbian, a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, hosted a dinner to raise friends and funds for "Casa San José", an apostolate of the Community of Saint Paul in Cochabamba, Bolivia. "Casa San José" works to identify boys living on the streets of the city (a recent study says there are 1,800 such children, mostly boys), and bring them into the safety of the center. They receive medical care, counseling and education, while the Casa strives to find their families and works with them so that the boys can return their families and a safe home. Montserrat Madrid and Gemma Regales, members of the CSP who live and work in Cochabamba, were present at the event.
This was the third such dinner, and the largest with over 90 people attending. From here, we would like to express our gratitude for the hospitality of Carl’s Catering in Greendale and to all those who took the time to attend and hear about this important work of the Church. And a very special thank you to Fr. Leonard, who generously sponsored and hosted this event. Thanks!