One of the actions that the Community of Saint Paul has developed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Andean communities of Bolivia has been the creation of family gardens and the distribution of seeds among peasant families to ensure food security and, therefore, fight against hunger in the region.
Currently, 106 families from four communities in the municipality of Independencia (Totorani, Rodeo, Tiquirpaya and Aramani) have implemented their orchard for self-consumption in the lower area of the mountain (at 6,500 feet over sea level), where the climate is warmer and more benign and allows the growth of a great diversity of vegetables. The inhabitants of this area, due to the climatic conditions and the orographic characteristics in which they live (between 9,500 and 10,200 feet above sea level), only cultivate potatoes, corn and wheat, ignoring the planting, care and growth of vegetables.
During these last six months, the Community of Saint Paul has supported them with seeds and technical advice for the implementation of sustainable agri-food systems. Each of the peasant families has managed with their effort, commitment and dedication to cultivate almost half a hectare with seeds of lettuce, beet, chard, tomato, zucchini, etc. ... Two months after having started their gardens, 537 people, among them the elderly and children are consuming the harvested products and enjoying their natural, tasty and ecological flavor. In addition, other families in the area, seeing the good production that their neighbors are having, are also now eager to have their own garden.