As a result of the socio-economic crisis derived from the COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia, and the distribution of emergency aid to families living in extreme poverty in the city of Meki, we noted that the precarious conditions in which many women found themselves already before this crisis in the area were seriously aggravated due to lack of work, food shortages and rising prices of basic goods.
With the pandemic, the economic and health problems in the area have worsened, and that is why the Community of Saint Paul began in March a new project to empower vulnerable women in the urban area of Meki to avoid a decline in the development process of these women.
The project wants to improve the living conditions of 600 women through their participation in community savings groups, professional training and access to credits they will receive to improve their family income and start small businesses. They will also receive help to improve their health and that of their environment and will be able to develop a critical spirit regarding gender violence and harmful traditional practices in their environment.
We celebrate the participation and involvement of these women in the project and we hope that with their perseverance, effort and entrepreneurial initiatives, they can be income generators for the good of their entire family and community.