Denny Jacob, a member of the Community of Saint Paul, was ordained a transitional deacon along with seven classmates from Saint Francis Seminary.

Last Saturday, April 22, eight candidates to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee were ordained transitional deacons at the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist, in downtown Milwaukee. One of them is Denny Jacob, a member of the Community of Saint Paul. Denny, who was born in India, began his formation process with our missionary group when in 2013 traveled to the Dominican Republic. After almost five years there he moved to the US, where he began his philosophical and theological studies at Saint Francis Seminary.
The ordination was a joyful occasion to celebrate the commitment of these eight men to the Gospel and the Church, and their willingness to serve the people of God. They should be ordained priests a year from now, in May, 2024. Please, keep them in your prayers!