Several Parishes from Racine, Wisconsin, run by priests of the Community of Saint Paul, carried out in June a Summer Service Project to help those most in need in the city.
After the pandemic’s toughest year (2020), in June 2021 we decided to create a service program that would help our youth give back to our community. We also wanted the adults in the parishes with skills to teach the younger generations. The idea was to bring the energy of the youth and the wisdom of the mature people together to serve others. We established a partnership with a local institution (Neighborhood Watch) to revitalize homes in neighborhoods of the inner city of Racine. The local partner does the groundwork: selecting families and securing the permits and the materials for the project. We, the Catholic Community in Central Racine, coordinate the efforts to get youth volunteers and adults who can work for a week on the projects.
It is with great excitement that I write this note about our third Belle City Catholic Summer Service Camp. Of course, I am always excited about life, but this time around I am elated. Our Summer Service Camp was a great success. Last month we came together for a week of hard work. We logged 1,521 hours of service to our neighbors on Mead Street. We built fences, painted houses, rebuilt a shed, cleaned the park, and spent time in prayer and fellowship. I am so proud of this Service Camp. Two years ago, when we came up with the idea to work locally, I envisioned an event that would bring us together: Catholics working together for the betterment of the city. We continue to move towards that goal as more people and parishes get involved. I am already looking forward to the next year’s Summer Service Camp!