The Plastic Odyssey is a ship currently embarked in an expedition, formed by a group of young French volunteers, led by Simon Bernard: their adventure began in October 2022 and will last for three years, crossing the seas of thirty of the most affected nations due to plastic pollution.
The Plastic Odyssey, which was recently in the Dominican Republic, travels the world in search of solutions to build a future without plastic, or to learn how to recycle. The ship is a laboratory equipped with machines to process plastics and give them a new life in the form of construction materials, fuel or other objects. Since we learned that it was arriving in the Dominican Republic, we signed up for its activities, as a team of the “Recycle plus” project, through which we have been collecting plastic from homes in Sabana Yegua (Azua) for several years to recycle it, as well as educating the population about reduce, reuse and recycle.
The “master class” in which we participated lasted two days and exceeded our expectations: 270 people gathered, including plastic artisans, landfill recyclers, transformers, researchers, academics and environmentalists. The ship collects data from different projects it visits, shares knowledge and even offers funding to innovative initiatives. Here we leave you their information:
As members of the “Recycle plus” project, we felt honored to be able to participate in this initiative, and we were excited to see so many people motivated in the fight to achieve a healthier and more sustainable environment. From the Community of Saint Paul we continue to promote the care of God’s creation and the fight against the destruction of our beloved common home. This beautiful Plastic Odyssey initiative fills us with hope.