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06/03/2018 - WATER IN KORKE ADI

Inauguration of a Water Pump for 10,300 Inhabitants in Ethiopia

In the rural area of Korke Adi, in the Rift Valley in Ethiopia, the Community of St. Paul has been working for two years with women’s savings groups (that is, groups comprised of around 25 women each, who meet every two weeks to combine their savings, which will serve as a social fund to cover imminent needs as well as to establish small businesses).
A while ago, women from these groups and their families asked the Community of St. Paul to help them extend for 8 kilometers the existing water lines from the city of Meki until their village. They complained that there was a high fluoride concentration in the underground water that they were using, and that it gravely affected their health. The solution they proposed was to dig an 8 kilometer ditch and install pipes so that water now serving Meki could reach Korke Adi. We accepted the challenge.
At three different points in Korke Adi, pumps were built and elevated tanks, each with a capacity of 10,000 liters, were erected. In each location, they established a water committee in charge of distribution and maintenance of the pumps and tanks, as well as collection of a fee for water consumption. The fee is indispensable because it allows the project to remain sustainable.
Recently, the three fountains were inaugurated: there was a big feast to celebrate the event, with the presence of the Bishop of Meki, the local authorities, and the entire Korke Adi population. Thanks to this project, the 10.328 inhabitants of the area now have access to drinking water.



On April 29 we celebrated the inauguration of two new infrastructures in our parish in the Dominican Republic: a water pipeline for the rural community called Km. 8 and a basketball court in the neighboring village Km. 7.

With the completion of these two infrastructures a project that lasted for three years reached its final goals. It has been an integral project for the development of five rural communities, carried out by the Community of Saint Paul, FUNDASEP (the development agency of the Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana, DR), Manos Unidas and Nuevos Caminos (these two organizations are from Spain).

The project benefits over 2,000 people and it touches on education, health, income generating initiatives and, specially,infrastructures—such as the basketball court and two community water pipelines, one in Cañada de Piedra/Altagracia, that was already completed last year, and this one we just finished in Km. 8.

For these rural communities the endemic lack of water is over, as is the harsh task of having to carry water in five gallon cans, weighing over 40 pounds, for long distances under the scorching hotsun. Now the water reaches each and every home thanks to many people’s efforts, particularly that of the beneficiaries of this project.


The inauguration ceremony included music and songs, dancing, a blessing by the bishop, food and much joy. Thanks to all who worked in this endeavor, now the lives of many families have significantly improved.





More than two years ago, members of the Community of St. Paul embarked in the project of bringing drinkable water to the 16,000 people living in the town of Wonji, Ethiopia. Today we celebrate that this dream, has become a reality.

In the first phase of the project, a water pump was bought and installed in a well near the Awash River and a tank was built to store the pumped water. In the second phase of the project, we carried out the work of channeling 4,400 meters of pipes from the tank to the town of Wonji. In September, two public fountains were built in the village and a water committee was formed and trained to take care of the maintenance, repair and administration of the water supply for the inhabitants of Wonji.

Finally, the fountains were inaugurated with great expectation on the part of the community. It is difficult to express in words the excitement that filled everyone as they saw the long awaited water flowing from the fountains. Today people in the town speak of how things have dramatically improved since the moment families had access to water near their homes, and how their lives have changed. We rejoice with them, and give thanks to all those who made this project a reality.




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