We are in times of crisis. Difficult days for everyone. But perhaps, because of that, we are presented with a unique opportunity to practice the value that makes us, human beings, a unique species: solidarity.
There are times when we do not know how to be supportive, it is not always easy in a society as structured and legalistic as ours. But in these moments, to show solidarity is actually quite simple.
Act as you are the one who is sick: Do not treat others as if they were a threat that can infect you. Let's assume that we (each of us) are infected (we can be, but without symptoms), and we must prevent infecting others. Staying at home, not going out although we feel good, today it is a great act of solidarity.
Do not accumulate illogically: Panic is not going to help us. Accumulating without measure will always harm someone else. When the basic products are finished, those most in need will be the most affected. And besides, accumulating stuff is not necessarily better for us. It is an amusing irony that people want to accumulate masks and disinfecting products to save themselves, when in fact what would be most convenient for us, almost out of pure selfishness, is that others can be clean so as to not contaminate us.
Use your phones: In this time of social distancing, may our mission be to become aware of those who are most vulnerable. Let's keep an eye on our grandparents, our parents, our neighbors who live alone, the people who are sick. Let's call them, send them messages of encouragement, or jokes (good humor is good medicine). Let's ask them if they need something, that they know we think of them, and that we pray for them.
Let’s accept these difficult moments as an opportunity the show our most generous side.